Another oft-overlooked Confederate symbol on Grounds is the Frank Hume Memorial Fountain, better known as the “Whispering Wall”. This marble monument and fountain was dedicated in 1938 to commemorate the life of Hume, who was a Virginia-born Confederate soldier and lifelong Confederate sympathizer. He also later served in the Virginia House of Delegates. Interestingly, the Whispering Wall does not say the word “Confederate” anywhere on it, but instead describes Hume as “a devoted Virginian who served his native state in Civil War and Legislative Hall.” I would have to assume this was a conscious decision, but it’s also surprising given the fact that the University also exhibited overt Confederate symbols elsewhere on Grounds, such as the plaques on the Rotunda and the monument in the Confederate Cemetery. Because this memorial wall was built later, perhaps such a decision reflects a shift in attitude and the University’s attempt to distance itself publicly from the Confederacy.


Hume was born in Culpeper County in 1843 and enlisted in the Confederate Army at age 18 in 1861. He served with Company A of the 21st Mississippi Regiment for the duration of the war and saw action in eleven major battles. He also served as a signal scout for General J.E.B. Stuart. Following the war, Hume moved back to D.C., started a successful grocery business, and became active in Virginia politics. He held multiple reunions for his Confederate unit at his home, Warwick Estate, and adorned the property with cannons from the war. While unsuccessful in attempts to win a seat in Congress, Hume was more fortunate in Alexandria County politics. He was elected Delegate from Alexandria County to the General Assembly of the Virginia Legislature in 1889 and served until 1899. Ultimately, Hume’s business success allowed him the time and resources to participate in civic and political activities, earning him a reputation as a generous philanthropist known for his civic engagement.

Ironically, Hume was not a UVA alumnus and had few ties to the University beyond sending his children to UVA. Thus, it’s a little puzzling why there is such a large and public memorial to him at the University in the first place. However, it appears that Hume's sons are ultimately responsible, as the memorial was paid for and erected by his sons who attended the university. Interestingly though, the monument was designed by Edmund Campbell, who was dean of the Architecture School at the time. Such a fact illustrates the intriguing connection between the University and its tacit support for figures of the old Confederacy.
What makes this Confederate memorial interesting and relevant is the student activism that it has inspired, and the subsequent success of such efforts. In 2019, a UVA student wrote an opinion piece for The Cavalier Daily calling for the memorial’s removal. In his essay, he argued that Hume’s career in business and politics following the war did not nullify his service to the Confederacy. Although the wall may have been known for its ability to carry whispers, its presence “spoke volumes” about our University and its values. In order to create a more inclusive environment and heal the past, the author asserted that the Whispering Wall must be removed.
More recently, this summer a student-authored petition calling to remove the Whispering Wall garnered over 2,000 signatures. The petition was started by two rising second-years, who argued that the monument was a “reminder of UVA’s racist, Confederate past.” In light of the recent reckonings with Confederate monuments across the country, these students urged that the time was now to reevaluate and remove Confederate relics. Subsequently, the UVA Board of Visitors approved a resolution in September to rededicate or remove the Frame Hume Memorial Wall, alongside other proposals outlined by the University’s racial equity task force. The resolution called the inscription on the wall a “symbol of support for slavery and inequality,” thereby recognizing the memorial as a racist symbol. UVA’s Committee on Names will consider whether rededication or removal is appropriate and provide a final recommendation at a future meeting. Ultimately, such actions reflect a greater willingness to grapple with Confederate symbols on Grounds, as well as the power of student self-governance and advocacy.

Appiah-Ofori, Abena Sekum, and Chloe Leon. “Remove UVA's Confederate Memorial, The
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Webb, Willard J. “Frank Hume: An Arlingtonian for All Seasons,” The Arlington Historical
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